Michael McNulty
2754 Clinch Haven Road, Big Stone Gap, VA 24219
276-220-2664 (mobile) | 276-376-4520 (office)
[email protected] | www.amusemeants.com
Passionate advocate of inclusive, transformational experiences in pursuit of civic virtue. Committed tryer-on of others’ shoes for mile-walking. Chaser of challenging perspectives, inspired recognitions, and good cheer.
Executive Director, Pro-Art Association- Wise, VA. 2020-Present
Leadership of mission-driven, arts-presenting & education organization, dedicated to accessibility in the geographically isolated and impoverished region of Central Appalachia. Responsible for implementation of strategic plan, board engagement, civic representation/advocacy, program curation & development, civic & business partnerships, budgeting and fundraising. Oversight of operational staff of seven managing program logistics, finance, communications and marketing.
Outcomes & Accomplishments:
- 38% increase in revenue over 3 years (measured against pre-pandemic levels) correlated to strategic communications initiative, the cultivation of new donors and a 30% increase in performance attendance.
- 1200+% increase in non-subscriber ticket sales and 52% increase in subscription ticket sales, increasing and diversifying audience as a result of increased program diversification.
- Development of new organizational & civic partnerships: Appalachian African-American Cultural Ctr., Appalachian Ctr. for the Arts, Town of Clintwood, Lyric Theater.
Chair, Dept. of Visual & Performing Arts: University of Virginia’s College at Wise, 2014-2020; Professor of Theater Arts (concurrent): 2002-Present.
Leadership of 18 faculty & staff in art, music & theater production/exhibition, curricular program, assessment, reporting and accreditation. Responsible for $1 million annual budget, fundraising coordination, faculty recruitment & evaluation, strategic planning, marketing coordination, facilities oversight, civic representation and outreach.
Outcomes & Accomplishments:
- Achieved 7 fold increase in student majors, 6 fold increase in budget funding as division head (over 10 years).
- Increased and further diversified full-time faculty staffing by 20%
- Design/Building oversight of $14.5 million Arts Center and 500K in subsequent renovations.
- Principle Investigator for over $1.3 million in educational & artistic grant awards.
- Project/Committee Leadership: Envisioning 2020: Strategic Planning & Quality Enhancement Plan Development—Chair.
- Program Director: VA Dept. of Ed. Governor School Grant: high school gifted education program in Shakespeare—$500K.